Sunday, April 13, 2014

Requested Regional Head Protecting Productive Agricultural Land

Agriculture Minister ( Minister of Agriculture ) Suswono ask regents and local government leaders who attended the APKASI International Trade and Investment Summit ( AITIS ) in 2014 , to protect productive agricultural land , so as to suppress the conversion of land into industrial zones and other designated .

On the occasion, Suswono warned , the next challenge of the larger agricultural sector . In addition to extreme climate change , conversion of agricultural land is also more prevalent . This , he said , could threaten the growing food needs . It is feared that cause food insecurity .

"Please the Regents , productive agricultural land not converted . Certainly there must be a master in the form of spatial plan area . Janfan to productive land become a victim , " said Suswono , Monday ( 04/14/2014 ) .

Suswono explained , the agricultural sector has a strategic role as a provider of food . Conflicts between countries occurred as food . Suwsono added that Indonesia deserves strong achieve food security . " At any given time , the food sector is always needed , " he said .

The second role , is employment . He said that as many as 38 percent of the labor force is absorbed by the agricultural sector .
( see also: obat burung stres )

Meanwhile , agriculture is the third role as industrial raw materials . " The hope is not agricultural products exported in the raw again , but the final product , " said Suswono .


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