Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Jokowi-JK Requested Increase "Touch" Community

Presidential candidate and vice presidential candidates are carried shaft PDI - Joko Widodo Jusuf Kalla , the public was asked to reproduce plunge into the presidential election ahead of time .

This method is chosen and trusted the most effective way to garner public sympathy and support . " Jokowi as much as possible should be in contact with the public . ( The same way applicable ) included for JK , " said Secretary General Tjahjo Kumolo PDIP , Tuesday ( 20/05/2014 ) night , at Hotel JS Luwansa , Jakarta .

Tjahjo convey , the coalition believes that advertising in the mass media can help improve the public 's attention on Jokowi - JK . However , he said , without any direct interaction , then raising support will be nil . " It's very important media support , but move and come into contact with the community is more important , " he said .
( Read: burung pentet gacor )

Jokowi- JK will also be assisted by a joint team winning in the 2014 presidential election . Joint team was coming from the PDI - P , Nasdem Party , PKB , and Hanura . Of internal PDI - P , appears an option to split the zone election campaign .

Four party chairman will share duties and campaign areas . Jokowi will campaign in Western Region and the Indonesian island of Java , while JK focus of the campaign in the east .

This pair winning strategy will be finalized in a joint meeting held at the Office of DPP Nasdem , Central Jakarta , Wednesday ( 21/05/2014 ) afternoon . Meetings also will determine the chairman of the joint team winning the Jokowi - JK .


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